Navy Children School, Kochi

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

In order to inculcate a feeling of equality and to induce a sense of belonging to the Institution, all students are required to be in the prescribed uniform while attending the school, the school functions and various competitions.

The pattern of uniform code is as given:

Daily Uniform

1. Plain navy-blue track pant for class I and above
2. House T-shirt
3. Belt with Buckle
4. NCS Cap-Regular and sports
5. Hair to be well groomed
6. White head dress for Sikh boys
7. Polished black shoes with laces (IV-XII), black Velcro strap shoe (I-III) and white socks

Wednesday Uniform

1. Plain navy-blue track pant for class I and above
2. House T-shirt
3. Belt with Buckle
4. NCS Cap-Regular and sports
5. Hair to be well groomed
6. White head dress for Sikh boys
7. Polished black shoes with laces (IV-XII), black Velcro strap shoe (I-III) and white socks